Saturday, August 2, 2014

Hello MTV, Welcome To My Blog.

|The Welcoming Committee|

       ...I've been alive for 18 years so far and everyday the world, and the people in it, confuse me. I try so hard to understand everything. Sometimes i pretend i know whats going on because trying to work it all out just seems like an impossible task.I want to do so many great things with my life; i want to help people, but most importantly i want to help myself...

     I'm an over thinker and it's my worst trait.The questions that run through my mind daily are a big reason why I figured making this blog could be a good idea in the long run. So every day, when i'm laying around wondering things like, Why i'm not kissing in the rain on the streets of London? Why am I planning on wasting my time and money on college when there is a whole world waiting to teach me the things I can't find in an $80 used textbook?,or Why are little things like talking to the waiter at a restaurant so hard for me?..why can't I do normal things like everyone else?... I've decided maybe writing them down will help me figure out a way to answer these questions that seem to have no answers.
So whether someone is reading this or not, I plan on using this platform to document it all. Starting now, From my last week of summer before I start my long awaited senior year of high school to struggling to over come the anxiety I live with everyday and how the people around me just really don't get it,even though i know they mean well; That heavy feeling I get in my stomach every time someone ask me "So, what are you going to do next?". All of that will be here. The question still stands, What or who am I really making this blog for?, maybe it's so I can lay it all out and see where I really want life to take me or maybe I just like talking to myself.(I'm pretty vain so it is mostly likely the latter.) But, if you want to hear me ramble on daily i'll see you tomorrow right here in my bedroom.               
                    xoxo gossip gi- wait thats not right....
   Well, Be polite, don't do drugs, and all that other good stuff. 



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