Monday, September 8, 2014

Putting the "Pro" Into Procrastination | Basically Nonsense

| Useless Good Intentions|

  Let's just start with the fact that this blog was supposed to be posted 3 days ago and I'm just getting to it now. Although, that was more because I had nothing to talk about not as much my never finished projects.I honestly don't know what it is. It's like I go into things with the best intentions of doing all kinds of stuff and I just NEVER do it.
My main issue is school. It's like from about 1st to 3rd period I have all of these plans to organize and do extra work and then I get home and I just.... Netflix. Like for example, My World History class is very lecture notes based so we take notes everyday. Now while I do take the notes everyday they are always so messy. I mean it's the morning, my hand aren't up yet. So everyday I tell myself " I'm going to go home and re-copy all of these notes and have nice clean notes" But instead I just stare at my bag wondering how I can do the least amount of work and not fail school. Maybe I'm just worn out. I think school should end at like 11, then I would still have the energy and motivation to do these things!

It's not just school though. There are so many things I have to do. Like I always want to come home and Blog, or Draw, or even read a book but it's like I have no energy for any of it...

This blog is going to be kind of short and not very interesting because well, I waited so long to write it but next week will be better.... I have big plans. Plans I intend to follow through with this time!

  -Until Next Time, XO

" I myself am entirely made of flaws, stitched together with good intentions."


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