Friday, August 15, 2014

Making Your Own Happiness | Basically Nonsense

|The Little Things|

FRIDAY FRIDAY FRIDAY! It's finally Friday. That means the end of the first week of school, which I would rather not talk about because it was just as bad as you would think, and the first official Friday blog since i changed the posting date on here woo!

I wasn't sure what I was going to write about today. I mean, I could do the regular thing and talk about my senior year first week adventures, that's what I had planned, I could mention that I took this super attractive teachers class but I don't have him til my next semester, I could mention that super cute foreign exchange boy, or talk about how my school is so cold you could build a snowman in the classrooms; But I though that was so boring and just not what I wanted to recap. Then, as I walked into my third period fine arts class my teacher had up this quote by Lena Horne, " It is not the load that breaks you down, but the way you carry it.", that's when I got to thinking. Why sit here and complain about the same things I was complaining about last year, and the year before that, and every year since about 6th grade, when I can look at all the positive things that are going on on a daily basis instead?

So, I decided to write a list of the little things that make me happy and maybe they can help you be happier, or even find the things that help you carry your load the right way.

1. That one pen that writes so perfectly that you never want to use another one.
2. Standing on the edge of the water at the beach and letting the waves hit your ankles.
3.The smell of freshly cut grass.
4. A nice warm cup of tea and a good book
5. The window seat.
6. When little kids draw you pictures.
7. Getting something you ordered in the mail before it was supposed to be there.
8. Any kind of baby animal. (Even better if it's in real life so you can pet it).
9. Having exactly what you need exactly when you need it.
10. Walking in the park.
11. Having someone you really want to talk to talk to you first.
12. The half smile people give you when you make eye contact.
13. Boys who smell nice.
14. Painting.
15. Hugging someone taller than you.
16. When old ladies compliment you.
17. Falling asleep to the rain.
18. doing absolutely nothing on a Sunday
19. when all of the kernels in the popcorn bag pop.
20. Seeing someone who deserves it be happy.
21. Finding money you didn't know you had.
22.Clothes right out of the dryer.
23. Cats.
24. Actually getting real letters in the mail. Not just random things.
25.The first sip of your drink when you're really thirsty.
26.Waking up before your alarm.
27. People watching.
28. Smelling something familiar.
29. Laughing till it hurts.
30. Random dance parties with friends.
31. Fresh strawberries.
32. A perfect cup of coffee.
33. Being able to see the stars at night.
34. Fall weather.
35. Perfect Naps.

So that was just 35 of mine, and trust me I could go on forever. But, the point was that it doesn't matter whats going on at the current moment because there is always some brightness in the dark areas. don't let all the small negative things in life bother you so much. Enjoy what you have while it is still there....ha maybe I should learn to take my own advice occasionally.

          -Until Next Time, XO

" Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light."


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