Thursday, August 7, 2014

My Unhealthy Dilemma | Your Daily Dose

| Saying It VS Doing It |

I can't be the only one who has been on this never ending journey to healthy living. I see all of these people who run 6x a week and drink half of the pacific ocean in water daily and I wonder, Was there a time when they struggled? When I started this kick of wanting to be healthier a few years back I thought it was going to be the easiest thing I ever did. I mean I was the kid who always ate ALL of my fruits and veggies. I loved them! While I did have my lazy moments as a child for the most part I loved all thing active. I'd jump on the trampoline for hours and run around my yard. I liked fruit juices and water ( soda wasn't something we kept in the house, and I'd request something green with every meal. So, why can't I just kick the Pizza and Coke now. You would think I'd be easy. I mean you can't teach an old dog new tricks but that doesn't mean he forgot the ones he already knew. Right?

  Well, apparently it is very possible to forget. I still love healthy food all the same but it's like over the years with new technologies being thrown my way and a fast food joint on every corner, it's impossible to do the right things anymore.

I wanted to change that. At least for myself. Freshman year of high school I was on a roll. But it wasn't a very good one. It consisted of Veganism which lasted for about eh, 3 days (I really like cheese). So, I tried being a vegetarian, that lasted a tad bit longer; I fancied the vegetables and I actually felt a little better, less headaches and things, but after about 2 weeks that was over and I was back on buffalo wings. I had realized that even while on these great health kicks I wasn't exactly being healthy. I mean being a vegetarian only lasted so long because cheese pizza was okay to eat. I had realized that I was terrible at being healthy and decided to give it up. 

As time went on I still had this nagging feeling telling me that I could do better so I started to eat more vegetables with my meals. Stuck to salad and yogurt instead of fries and ice cream. But just like every other time, I failed to stick with it. And on top of it I had never really kicked soda. Which had become, and still is, my biggest problem. 

It's not just what I'm putting in my body that is my problem either. It's what I'm putting out; which is absolutely nothing. I've tried all the workouts at this point Yoga, squats, cardio, lifting, pretty much everything, but I still never stick with it longer than a week. I'm usually too "busy" or "I'll do extra tomorrow to make up for it". I've realized that it's just not going to happen. I'm not active and there is nothing I can do about that really. Or is there? Because I i'm too busy to workout or cook a healthy meal but what am I too busy doing? Why do I have the time to order a pizza and watch 4 seasons of a show on Netflix but I don't have time to do sit ups and bake a piece of chicken? 

 I think it's a mind set. As a society we look for convenience in things but what we don't realize is we could be taking the same amount of time to walk around the block or drink a glass of tea. So, in order to get back on track this year, starting to day I'm going to set small reachable goals for myself. I'm not aiming to get fit or look any different than I do now. I'm not doing it for that. I'm doing it because I want to be healthier on the inside. 

So starting to day I've decided to start drinking more water and tea. I'll have soda but only once a week. depriving my self is not going to get me anywhere that's just going to make me want it more. I'm going to try to do at least one small active thing a day. Maybe do some squats in between shows I'm watching or maybe some leg lifts while i watch Netflix. I know it seems funny and not every effective but it's a start to something better. I'm not going to stop what I like doing to do other things. I'm simply going to add more things in. Like taking the stairs instead of the elevator. I'm also going to cut back on all these bad foods. I mean I'm still going to eat them on the reg do not be fooled but I'm going to try to eat more of the healthy foods in a day so the other ones seem more like a snack! The goal is to eventually be able to do only both in equal amounts but for now I'm just going to try it at my own pace and see what happens.

 You don't have the be great to start but you do have to start to be great.
        -Until Next Time, XO.


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