Friday, August 29, 2014

My Anit-Bucket List| Basically nonsense

|Things I Never Dream Of|

 The whole idea of a Bucket List has been going around and popular for a number of years now, and I totally get it. I mean a list of things you plan to accomplish before you " kick the bucket" to say the least seems like such a nice thing. It gives you this sense of purpose. 

 Like most people I have a bucket list that is approximately 3 miles long if you combine a few things. It ranges from simple things like "Read my favorite book while I watch the sunset" to things that take a little more effort like, "Drink Tea in a minimum of 10 different countries" that one is going to be a little more tricky but the point is, I have all of these things written down (mentally, of course, killing 800 trees isn't on the list. But sitting here thinking about all of the things I want to do I came to realize, there are a lot of things I personally never want to be apart of. 

So I figured I'd write a few of the things on my anti-bucket list and give some reasons why I don't want to ever be involved in them...

1. Go on a cruise. I know, I know. "oh my god but it's so nice blah blah blah!" No. I'm sorry but I have 0 interest in being trapped in the middle of the ocean with a bunch of strangers. That's not a Vacation; sounds more like purgatory to me.

2. I absolutely, with no fiber of my being, find it at all appealing to EVER kiss someone in the rain. forget the fact that there is a risk of catching a cold or, I don't know GETTING STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. let's focus more one the fact that in no way will any normal human look like Rachel Mcadams in the notebook. Everyone knows makeup doesn't hold up well in rain and no ones hair looks nice after it's been poured one. Just saying.

3. Personally, I have no desire to ever own dog. I don't know why, I mean I don't mind dogs, but they are just not my cup of tea. And... they kind of smell like old garbage so I'll pass.

4. When I'm older. All out of college and living that cool adult life I never want to work just for the sake of working. Whatever career I choose I want that to be what I choose not because it will get me a ton of money but because just because that is what I love. So I guess what I really mean by this one is I don't ever want to give up my happiness for what other people say will make me happy.

5. I will never camp in a tent. Now, I love camping, don't get me wrong, but I love camping in like a camper, or maybe a cabin. You know a place with a shower and max bug protection. Why subject yourself to things like that when it's not needed.

6. I don't ever ever ever ever want to visit these weird american landmark tourist places. ex. The Grand Canyon. Why? I don't know. I always say I want to travel but when I say that the only thing I picture is other countries. These places here seem too close to home for me and I am not feeling it.

7. After graduation I never want to step a foot in my high school again. Not for a reunion, not to visit old friends/teachers. NEVER. 

8. I will never voluntarily put insects, snails, squid, or any other type of foreign animal thing in my mouth. call me uncultured, or close-minded I don't know. But I'm not doing it. It took me long enough to finally order my sushi raw. Baby steps 

9. I don't ever want to garden. There are people you can hire for a reason. Why am I going to kneel in my yard for long hours and play in the dirt when I can A. hire someone to do it, or B. Go buy an already potted plat. It's nonsense!

10. I don't want to run a marathon. I am not made for running, I'm barley made for walking. I feel like it's just something you can either do or you can't. Maybe I'll walk a few in my lifetime but I can promise you will never see me so much as jogging in something of this nature.

While there are more and these are only a few I could think of I feel it gets the point across. People set these goal and all these things they want in life but what about the things you don't want to do. Just think of all the stuff that you hate and compare it to all the stuff you love. Is it even? or Are you more of a lover than a hater?

                   -Until Next Time, XO

"We view the world in the way that we choose to."   


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