Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Trying out The Eightfold Path | Basically Nonsense


Yesterday's blog was pretty much crap and I think it was because I had nothing to talk about. Now I think I have found something a little more interesting to publish. ( At least to me)

So in my first period history class we are learning about Buddhism. Now, I have always had this strong interest in the whole Buddhist religion, which is kind of ironic I guess being that I'm like the most negative person I know. Maybe it'd because I truly want to be able to be so happy and calm. So nice and accepting toward people. I guess that's why they call it journey. 

I don't know why it made me think so much throughout the day but something, whether it be what my teacher said or what I read in the text book, hit me.

I've realized that it would be completely idiotic to say "whelp I'm a Buddhist now. Let me give up everything and stop killing mosquitoes because I'm enlightened". I simply just think I want to work everyday to get a little bit closer to the this great nirvana they speak of. I want to be truly happy, and from what I've seen, these people are.

I think I want to start by taking a good look at the 4 noble truths and the eightfold path. It's a starting point and I feel like it's the part that needs to be most understood to find this "happiness".

The Four Noble Truths
1. Ordinary life brings about suffering.
2. The origin of suffering is desire.
3. The way to end suffering is to end desire.
4. Overcoming desires is to follow the eightfold Path.

In a nutshell, what I feel like this is saying is that the misery and suffering that you get from everyday life is brought on by the desire for more things, whether they be materialistic or otherwise. You have to stop worrying about all the things you want and "need" and be happy for what you have received in life and what you can give to other people.

Now the fourth noble truth has a little extra to it and it is the part I really want to instill in myself daily.

The Eightfold Path

1. Right View (Understanding) - See the world as it really is.
2. Right Intention - Decide what you really want.
3. Right Speech - Communicate thoughtfully.
4. Right Action - Take the ethical approach.
5. Right Livelihood - Respect all life.
6. Right Effort - A positive attitude.
7. Right Mindfulness - Being aware of the moment
8. Right Concentration - Uncluttered feelings of calm and peace.

Maybe I'll follow through and in the process become a happier, nicer person. Or maybe I'll just end it like the other things I try but I'm sure it will be worth the shot.

- Until Next Time, XO

"If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change." 
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Monday, September 8, 2014

Putting the "Pro" Into Procrastination | Basically Nonsense

| Useless Good Intentions|

  Let's just start with the fact that this blog was supposed to be posted 3 days ago and I'm just getting to it now. Although, that was more because I had nothing to talk about not as much my never finished projects.I honestly don't know what it is. It's like I go into things with the best intentions of doing all kinds of stuff and I just NEVER do it.
My main issue is school. It's like from about 1st to 3rd period I have all of these plans to organize and do extra work and then I get home and I just.... Netflix. Like for example, My World History class is very lecture notes based so we take notes everyday. Now while I do take the notes everyday they are always so messy. I mean it's the morning, my hand aren't up yet. So everyday I tell myself " I'm going to go home and re-copy all of these notes and have nice clean notes" But instead I just stare at my bag wondering how I can do the least amount of work and not fail school. Maybe I'm just worn out. I think school should end at like 11, then I would still have the energy and motivation to do these things!

It's not just school though. There are so many things I have to do. Like I always want to come home and Blog, or Draw, or even read a book but it's like I have no energy for any of it...

This blog is going to be kind of short and not very interesting because well, I waited so long to write it but next week will be better.... I have big plans. Plans I intend to follow through with this time!

  -Until Next Time, XO

" I myself am entirely made of flaws, stitched together with good intentions."
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